Nuclear Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration Project

●Research Center for Remediation Engineering of Living Environments Contaminated with Radioisotopes -REER-
The spread of radioactive substances caused by the nuclear power plant accident resulted in a serious radioactive contamination.
Tohoku University launched the Research Center for Remediation Engineering of Living Environments Contaminated with Radioisotopes -REER- with aims for development of technology to restore the living environment contaminated by radioactive substances.
●Project for comprehensive exposure dose assessment for disaster-affected animals
Since the nuclear power plant accident, it has been concerned about the effects of radiation on the human body.
This project aims to reveal the radiation impact on environment and animate beings including human, through assessing the distribution of artificial radionuclides in animals of the Restricted Area, and constructing a tissue bank. Then, we will contribute to improvement in public health and radiation safety.